Beijing Hiconics Eco-energy Technology Co., Ltd.
Beijing Hiconics Eco-energy Technology Co., Ltd.

How to Install the Inverter Drive?

May 19 , 2022

1. Variable frequency drive installation: What are the main components of the frequency converter?

Before installing the variable frequency drive, you must first understand the components of the variable frequency drive. Most variable frequency drives contain three parts, the input part, the rectifier part and the inverter part. Power from the power source is drawn by the input section. The rectifier part converts the electrical energy from alternating current to direct current, and the inverter part converts direct current to alternating current.

The advantages of variable frequency drive installation are that if a variable frequency drive is used in the system, then it will reduce the maintenance of the system and thus increase the efficiency; it can reduce the heat, wear and stress of the motor and other components; system performance will be better; energy saving; for complex process, it can run special operating modes; smooth operation can be achieved; harmonic currents are less; with the help of PLC, its control logic can be easily changed.

2. The inverter drive installation: how to install?

Proper variable frequency drive installation is required or the drive may fail. Therefore, the installation of the variable frequency drive must be completed by an experienced person. Certain precautions must be taken when installing variable frequency drives, namely that the vibration level where the variable frequency drive is installed should not be high and the temperature should be very low. The drive heats up during operation, so it must be installed in a non-flammable location. It must be installed in a place protected from moisture and sunlight. If the drive is mounted vertically, it helps with cooling. Cooling fans can be used if more than one variable frequency drive is installed. The variable frequency drive installation must be done with the help of nuts and screws so that we can ensure proper installation. The drive must be isolated from dust, water and oil.

3. Variable frequency drive installation: variable frequency drive debugging

Commissioning should be carried out after the variable frequency drive is installed. When debugging the VFD device, make sure that the starter panel is installed and that the starter panel is not damaged. If any component is damaged, it must be repaired. Check the details of insulation resistance values for incoming and outgoing power cables. Make sure all BMS wiring is complete. We also had to check the cable dressing inside the starter panel. Make sure all control wiring is done correctly. Make sure the MCB, MCCB and fuse are rated correctly. All wire terminations must be checked. We must check all ground connections and support insulators. Phase sequence and input voltage must be checked. The operation of the selector switches and buttons must be checked. Check the speed limit and direction of rotation of the motor.

Before opening the incoming line, we must check the incoming line voltage and phase sequence. The control power must be checked and the operation of the bypass starter with the motor disconnected. After disconnecting the motor, the operation of the variable frequency drive must be checked.